Proper Push-Ups with Tarem
Push-ups are popular, and with good reason! It's important to make sure you are doing them correctly to save yourself from injury and to get the most out of your time spent exercising!
Common Mistakes
X - wrists positioned too far in front of your shoulders
X- flaring elbows out and rolling shoulder forward
X - raising hips too high
Proper Form:
- Keep your wrists directly under your shoulders
- tuck your elbows in closer to your body
- leading with your chest, lower your body down
- keep your entire core braced throughout the entire movement. Tarem likes to describe a braced core as you feeling ready to take a punch. Abs and glutes should be engaged and tight
For many, modifications are needed to maintain proper form until strength is built up. Tarem shows you how to make the push up easier:
- Start the push up from your knees
- Use an object to lean on. The easiest modification is to lean your hands against a wall.
You can gradually lean against lower objects. Try a table or chair. The lower the object is to the ground, the closer you are getting to a full push-up. Progression and consistency will get you to a perfect push-up in no time!