Week of Monday, February 10th, 2025
Week of Monday, February 10th, 2025 Monday, 2/10/25 Warmup: 3 rounds 10 single leg step ups each side 10 push-ups 20 second banded ankle stretches each side 20 second pigeon pose each side A1) Pistol squats - 4 x 8 - each side - scaling: pistols, supported pistols, pistols to a bench A2) Skull crushers - 4 x 15 B) 3 rounds for time 30 Lunges 20 Dips 10 Burpees Tuesday 2/11/25 Warmup - 2 rounds 10 PVC good mornings 10 PVC behind the neck presses 10 overhead squats 2 rounds (1 pvc & 1 bar) 8 Snatch grip deadlifts 8 Snatch pulls from hang 8 Hang muscle snatches A) Power snatches - ....
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