Week of Monday, March 3rd, 2025
Week of Monday, March 3rd, 2025 Monday, 3/3/25 Warmup: a. 3 rounds 10 wall facing squats 20 plank up and downs 1 length duck walks 1 length frog hops b. Work up to working weight in 3 sets of 10 back squats A1) Back squats - 5 x 4 - increasing - heavier than last week A2) Push-ups / weighted push-ups - 5 x 5 - increasing - heavier than last week B) For time : 21-15-9 reps of Dumbbell thrusters (50/35) Toes to bars Tuesday 3/4/25 Warmup : 3 rounds 30 single unders 15 band pull aparts 30 second handstand A1) Bench press - 5 x 8 - increasing A2) L-sits 4 x 20 seconds ....
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