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The Power of Personalized Fitness

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The Power of Personalized Fitness

The Power of Personalized Fitness: Why  One-on-One Training Works 

Only one in five Americans exercise daily, which means that most are unlikely  to meet their fitness goals. Hiring a personal trainer and scheduling a regular  workout routine is a great way to get in shape and hold yourself accountable.  Ditching your exercise goals will be a thing of the past. 

Here, we're going to talk about the benefits of one-on-one personal training.  Read on to learn why these routines work and why you should be hiring a  personal trainer in the new year. 

Reviews for One-on-One Personal Training 

Several clients have already met their fitness goals because of one-on-one  training. Others are well on their way to excelling. This is made obvious  by reviews from real clients

One client, a racer looking to improve her times and technique, worked  individually with a trainer at a North End Fitness & Training. The trainer is also  a Spartan racer, so he knows exactly what the client is working toward. When  working one-on-one with the client, the trainer can show her things that must  be done for her specific growth and improvement while making learning easy  and approachable. 

Another client notes that the trainers at North End Fitness & Training will  mutually agree on goals with you and support you in your effort to reach them.  She states that they know how to push you without hurting you and work well  with every age group. 

But what makes these training sessions effective? The answer lies in the  attention that each client gets. 

Individual Attention 

While group fitness classes can get you in shape, you won't get the individual  attention needed to meet your goals quickly. This means fewer exercise tips  that you can take home with you. It also means that the exercise plan won't be  tailored to your fitness level or physical limitations.


When you work with a one-on-one personal trainer, you can constantly get  new skills and ideas on how to meet your fitness goals. You'll constantly tailor  and adapt your specific workout plan to meet changing needs. 

Fewer Opportunities for Injuries 

One-on-one attention means that you'll know you're performing all exercises  correctly. You can therefore stay safe and get a lot out of every workout. 

Poor posture and incorrect form can lead to pulled muscles and joint pain.  Someone giving you their uninterrupted attention can help make sure that  you're moving correctly and working out effectively. 

This, combined with the ability to find and address physical weaknesses you  may not have noticed before, means you're less likely to wind up injured from  an exercise. 

Personalized Motivation 

In addition to a trainer's undivided attention, you'll get someone to motivate  you based on your individual needs. Everyone's mind works differently, and  while some people may respond to tough love during training, others need  gentle guidance. A one-on-one trainer will assess your needs and give you  appropriate motivation based on their observations and experience. 

You also will always have someone to push you past your limits without going  too far. The aim is to grow, but not to be in pain. A trainer can challenge you in  creative and interesting ways while encouraging you to stretch your mind and  limits. 

Tailored to Your Lifestyle 

Everyone's lifestyle is different. Some people get a lot of exercise as  construction workers or warehouse employees. Others work desk jobs and  live a sedentary lifestyle. 

People also have different diets. Someone who eats fast food every day will  have a different dietary and fitness plan than someone who eats healthily. If  you're eating burgers, you'll need more exercise than someone who's making  recipes like vegetable/cashew stir fry at home.

An individual trainer will assess your lifestyle and needs. They'll help you  come up with a plan that you're willing to adhere to. This will help you meet  your goals in a realistic way. 

Accountability for Your Workout Routine 

Jobs, housework, and social events can make life a busy rush. It's easy for  health and fitness to fall by the wayside when you have a million other things  on your mind. Unfortunately, this means that you won't meet your goals and  will be less likely to get in shape. 

When you exercise regularly, you feel great. Your quality of life improves.  You'll need to be held accountable so that you can reap these benefits. 

An individual personal trainer can help to hold you accountable. You'll know  that they're counting on you to be there and won't want to let them down.  Going to all of your sessions because you know your absence will be noticed  helps you remain consistent and exercise regularly. 

You'll get into a better routine and can stay goal-oriented more easily.

Goal-Oriented Help 

Setting appropriate fitness goals is the first step toward a healthy lifestyle.  Unfortunately, it's hard to keep these objectives in mind when you're in a  group setting. The instructor needs to keep the needs of the whole group in  mind, and no one's routine will be tailored to their specific needs. 

Some people want to stay in shape to stave off obesity-related illnesses.  Others want to prevent pain from osteoporosisor other bone and joint issues. 

When you get one-on-one personal training, you'll get an easy plan that helps  you meet your specific goals. You'll also have constant support if you feel the  need to adapt objectives. Plus, you can always ask questions about your  progress and get insight into how you can better achieve the goals you set  before. 

This wouldn't always be possible in a group setting, so one-on-one personal  training means better assistance. 

Hiring a Personal Trainer the Right Way


Now that you know why one-on-one personal training works, it's time to begin  your journey toward a healthy lifestyle. 

North End Fitness & Training is committed to pairing those looking to get in  shape with certified trainers. Our team is excited to help you meet your health  and wellness goals with an individualized training plan tailored to your  needs. Sign up for your FREE personal training session today to begin  reaping the benefits of one-on-one fitness routines.

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