Week of Monday, June 17th 2024 Monday 6/17/24 Warmup - Dynamic movements / stretching A1) Deadlifts - 5x3, increasing A2) Ring dip progressions - 5 sets, choose any progression to start at, do multiple variations if you want, set reps / hold times as desired. Paralette dips Low ring hold Low ring dip High ring banded top position hold High ring top position hold High ring banded bottom position hold High ring bottom position hold Banded ring dips Ring dips B) For time: Descending rep ladder from 15 reps to 1 rep Push-ups Russian KB Swings (32/24) (15 reps of each, 14 reps, 13 reps, etc.) Tuesday 6/18/24 Warmup - 3 rounds 30 sec handstand hold 15 hollow rocks 10 split stance presses 10 pvc split jerks -Technique work Split jerks - 6 x 2, increasing 12 min AMRAP 5 Pull-ups 10 DB Push press 16 Alternating DB Lunges (hold at side) Wednesday 6/19/24 and Friday 6/21/24 Warmup - 3 rounds 200 m row 10 tuck jumps 10 squats 10 ring rows 10 bottoms up kb press each side Find scores for each in any order 1. Max height box jump 2. Max effort bar hang 3. Max effort wall sit 4. Max handstand hold 5. Fastest 250 m row 6. Longest jump rope streak (doubles or singles) 1 min Assault bike for calories Thursday 6/20/24 Warmup - 3 rounds Bear complex - 2 x 7 1 rep = hang power clean, front squat, shoulder to overhead, back squat, BTN shoulder to overhead 3 rounds for time 400 m run 15 Front Squats (135/95) Saturday 6/22/24 3 rounds for time Partner 1: 800 m run together Partner 2: 10 rounds 10 Toes to Bars 20 Alt DB Snatches 30 Mountain climbers *Pick up where partner left off*