Week of Monday, June 24th 2024 Monday 6/24/24 Warmup - Dynamic movements / stretching A1) Deadlifts - 5x2, increasing A2) Ring dip progressions - 5 sets, choose any progression to start at, do multiple variations if you want, set reps / hold times as desired. Paralette dips Low ring hold Low ring dip High ring banded top position hold High ring top position hold High ring banded bottom position hold High ring bottom position hold Banded ring dips Ring dips B) For time: 100 push-ups Every break, do 10 muscle snatches (45/33) Tuesday 6/25/24 Warmup - a) 3 rounds 30 sec handstand hold 15 hollow rocks 10 split stance presses 10 pvc split jerks b) 1 round pvc + 1 round empty bar 5 strict presses 5 dip and drive 5 push presses 5 push jerks 5 split jerks 20 min EMOM Min 1-5 : 4 Strict press Min 6-10 : 3 Push press Min 11-15 : 2 Push jerk Min 16-20 : 1 Split jerk For time: 1 k row 75 situps Wednesday 6/26/24 Warmup - 3 rounds 30 jumping jacks 20 lunges 10 ring rows 10 min - practice turkish getups B1) Back rack step ups - 4 x 6 each leg B2) Bent over DB rows - 4 x 8 C) 8 min AMRAP 6 burpee box jumps 10 pull-ups Thursday 6/27/24 Warmup - 3 rounds 10 pass throughs 10 good mornings 30 second plank 3 rounds 10 alt groiners 10 muscle cleans 10 strict presses “DT” 5 rounds for time 12 Deadlift 9 Hang power cleans 6 Shoulder to overheads Friday 6/28/24 Open gym - make up a WOD you missed Saturday 6/29/24 30 min AMRAP alternating with a partner: 10 Thrusters each 20 Hanging knee raises each 30 jumps over the bar each 400 m run together