Week of Monday, September 16th 2024 Monday 9/16/24 Warmup - 3 rounds 10 good mornings 10 standing front leg raises 10 standing side leg raises 15 ring rows 15 dead bugs A1) Romanian Deadlifts - 4 x 6 A2) Chin-ups - 4 x 6 B) Tabatas : 20 sec work / 10 sec rest for 8 rounds Russian KB Swings (24/16) Hollow rocks Farmers carries (1 length = 1 rep) Tuesday 9/17/24 Warmup - 3 rounds 30 sec handstand hold 30 single unders 10 strict presses A1) Push Press - 5 x 4, increasing (off racks or from ground) A2) Shrugs - 5 x 8, increasing B) For time: 1k row 12 handstand pushups / 4 wall walks 500 m row 9 handstand push-ups / 3 wall walks 250 m row 6 handstand push-ups / 2 wall walks Wednesday 9/18/24 Warmup - 3 rounds 10 Goblet squats 15 Deficit heel raises 20 Shoulder taps 20 Sec samson stretch A1) Back squats 5 x 2, increasing A2) Weighted push-ups - 5 x 6 (plates on backs) B) For time: 15-12-9 reps of Dumbbell thrusters Burpee box jumps C) Tricep burnout: 20 db skull crushers 20 db overhead pulls 20 db close grip press As many dips as possible Thursday 9/19/24 Warmup : 3 rounds 30 sec plank 30 jumping jacks 15 sec side plank each side 15 tuck jumps 30 min EMOM : 5 rounds 45 sec work / 15 sec rest) Min 1: Slam balls Min 2: Hollow rocks Min 3: Alternating DB step ups (35/25) Min 4: Russian twists Min 5: Bike for cal Min 6: Rest Friday 9/20/24 Open gym - make up a WOD you missed Saturday 9/21/24 Partner “Manion” WOD 400 m run (together) 29 Back Squats (135/95)