1293 North Ave, New Rochelle, New York 10804

Week of Monday, November 3rd 2024

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Monday 11/4/24


Warmup - 3 rounds

10 supermans

20 shoulder taps

30 sec hip stretch each side


A) Deadlifts - 6 x 2


B) 8 min AMRAP:

5 Strict Pull-ups

10 Push-ups

15 Russian KB Swings


Tuesday 11/5/24


Warmup : 3 rounds

10 turkish sit ups each side

10 3-point bridges each side

1 min row

  1. 2k row for time

  1. 18 min EMOM - 3 rounds

Min 1: 1-2 Turkish get ups left

Min 2: 1-2 Turkish get ups right

Min 3: 10 Kettlebell snatches left 

Min 4: 10 Kettlebell snatches right

Min 5: 15 tuck ups

Min 6: 30 russian twists


Wednesday 11/6/24


Warmup : 3 rounds

10 Muscle cleans (empty bar)

10 Strict press

20 sec high crescent lunge hold each side How to Do Crescent Lunge Pose

30 sec handstand hold

  1. Split Jerks

6 x 3, from the rack

  1. 8 min AMRAP

8 Clean and jerks (135/95)

16 Toes to bars


Thursday 11/7/24 


Warmup - 3 rounds

200 m jog

10 PVC pass throughs

10 Sotts presses

10 L-seated single leg raises each side


A1) Overhead squats - 4 x 6


-At tempo 3 sec down : 3 sec at bottom, : 1 sec up

A2) L-sit (rings, parallettes, or boxes- 4 x 10-20 seconds


B) For time:

21 overhead Squats (95/65)

800 m run

15 overhead squats (115/75)

400 m run

9 overhead squats (135/95)

200 m run


Friday 11/8/24 and Saturday 11/9/24

Partner “Jag 28”

For time:
Run 800 meters
28 kettlebell swings, 2 pood
28 strict pull-ups
28 kettlebell clean and jerks, 2 pood each
28 strict pull-ups
Run 800 meters

U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Mark Forester, 29, of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, assigned to the 21st Special Tactics Squadron, based in Pope Air Force Base, North Carolina, died on Sept. 29, 2010, while conducting combat operations in Uruzgan Province, Afghanistan.

He is survived by his parents, Ray and Pat; and siblings, Terri, David, Joseph and Thad.

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