1293 North Ave, New Rochelle, New York 10804

Week of Monday, January 20th 2025

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Week of Monday, January 20th 2025 


Monday, 1/20/25


Warmup: 3 rounds

10 quadruped glue extensions each side

10 good mornings

8 single leg cone touches each side 

15 straight arm band pulldowns


A1) Single leg deadlift - 3 x 8

-each side 


A2) Lat pulldowns - 3 x 15


B) 10 min AMRAP

20 alternating renegade rows

15 db muscle cleans

10 pull-ups


Tuesday 1/21/25


Warmup : 3 rounds

10 push-ups

10 turkish sit-ups

10/10 half kneeling single arm KB presses


A1) Turkish get-ups - 4 x 2

- each arm 

-heavier than last week

A2) Ring dip holds - 4 x 30 seconds


B) 5 rounds for time

10 ring dips / 20 paralette dips

20 tuck-ups


Wednesday 1/22/25


Warmup : 2 rounds

40 single unders

30 mountain climbers

20 squats

10 burpees


Then do a few reps at each station


A) 24 min EMOM - 4 rounds of 40 seconds work / 20 seconds rest

Min 1 : Double unders

Min 2 : Hollow rocks

Min 3 : Battle ropes

Min 4 : Russian twists

Min 5 : Bike or ski

Min 6 : Lunges


Thursday 1/23/25 


Warmup - 3 rounds

10 PVC good mornings

10 PVC behind the neck presses

10 overhead squats 


2 rounds (1 pvc & 1 bar)

8 Snatch grip deadlifts

8 Snatch pulls

8 muscle snatches


A) Power Snatches - 6 x 3


B) 8 min AMRAP

Max effort push-ups

Every break, do 15 american kb swings (24 / 16)


Friday 1/24/25 and Saturday 1/25/25

Warmup: In any order


3 rounds for time

10 cal row

15 scap pulls

20 russian kb swings


Partner WOD: For time in any order


A) 10 rounds (5 each)

15 /12 calories rowing

5 handstand push-ups


B) 10 rounds

15 Goblet squats

5 Pull-ups


C) 10 rounds

10 Burpee box jumps

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