Week of Monday, February 24th, 2025 Monday, 2/24/25 Warmup: a. 3 rounds 10 wall facing squats 20 alternating groiners 30 goblet marches b. Work up to working weight in 3 sets of 10 back squats A1) Back squats - 5 x 5 - increasing - heavier than last week A2) Push-ups / weighted push-ups - 5 x 6 - increasing - heavier than last week B) 4 rounds for time 30 Wall ball shots 20 Med ball sit ups against the wall Tuesday 2/25/25 Warmup : 3 rounds 10 supermans 10 good mornings 30 second handstand A1) Strict press - 5 x 2 - increasing -heavier than last week A2) Bilateral suitcase deadlifts - 5 x 8 - increasing - heavier than last week B) 3 rounds 15 power cleans (95/65) 15 push presses 30 lateral jumps over the bar Wednesday 2/26/25 Warmup : 2 rounds 30 second plank 20 lunges 10 burpees A) 30 min EMOM - 5 rounds - 40 sec work / 20 seconds rest Min 1 : Jumping jacks Min 2 : Mountain climbers Min 3 : Bicycle crunches Min 4 : No pushup burpees Min 5 : Bike for calories Min 6 : Rest Thursday 2/27/25 Warmup - 2 rounds 10 PVC good mornings 10 PVC behind the neck presses 10 overhead squats 2 rounds (1 pvc & 1 bar) 8 Snatch grip deadlifts 8 Snatch pulls from hang 8 Hang muscle snatches 8 Snatch balances A) Squat snatches - 6 x 2 B) 10 min AMRAP 20 slam balls 15 v-ups Friday 2/28/25 A) Open workout 25.1 To be announced Thursday 2/27 Saturday 3/1/25 Partner WOD: 30 minute AMRAP Alternate rounds with partner 250 m row 25 american kb swings