1293 North Ave, New Rochelle, New York 10804

Week of Monday, March 3rd, 2025

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Week of Monday, March 3rd, 2025 


Monday, 3/3/25



a. 3 rounds

10 wall facing squats

20 plank up and downs

1 length duck walks

1 length frog hops


b. Work up to working weight in 3 sets of 10 back squats


A1) Back squats - 5 x 4

- increasing

- heavier than last week


A2) Push-ups / weighted push-ups - 5 x 5

- increasing

- heavier than last week


B) For time : 21-15-9 reps of

Dumbbell thrusters (50/35)

Toes to bars


Tuesday 3/4/25


Warmup : 3 rounds

30 single unders

15 band pull aparts

30 second handstand


A1) Bench press 

- 5 x 8

- increasing


A2) L-sits

  • 4 x 20 seconds 


B) ”Annie”

For time : 50-40-30-20-10 reps of

Double Unders



Wednesday 3/5/25


Warmup : 2 rounds

30 second plank

30 Jumping jacks

20 Dead bugs

20 lunges


A) 30 min EMOM - 5 rounds - 40 sec work / 20 seconds rest

Min 1 : Box jumps

Min 2 : Flutter kicks

Min 3 : Mountain climbers

Min 4 : Bicycle crunches

Min 5 : Bike for calories

Min 6 : Rest


Thursday 3/6/25 


Warmup - 2 rounds

10 PVC good mornings

10 PVC behind the neck presses

10 overhead squats 


2 rounds (1 pvc & 1 bar)

8 Snatch grip deadlifts

8 Snatch pulls from hang

8 Hang muscle snatches

8 Snatch balances


A) Power snatches - 5 x 1 rep


B) Squat snatch 5 x 1 rep


C) For time:

2k / 1600m row


Friday 3/7/25


A) Open workout 25.2

To be announced Thursday 2/27


Saturday 3/8/25

Partner WOD: For time


800 m run together

100 american kb swings (1 partner at a time)

800 m run together

80 burpees  (1 partner at a time)

800 m run together

60 pull-ups  (1 partner at a time)

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