Mindfulness is a concept that can help connect the body and mind. Using mindfulness techniques can help you identify non-hunger triggers that may prompt you to overeat, improve portion control, and can make it easier to choose healthier foods. Here’s a few tips to try at home:
Set a positive food atmosphere: Place healthy foods where you can see them – keep a bowl of fruit on your counter and healthy items at eye levels on shelves.
Be fully present in the moment: When you eat, turn off the TV, put down your phone and sit at a table. Turn all of your attention to yourself and your food.
Observe: Before you eat, notice how you feel. Are you low on energy? Stressed out? Hungry? When you’re finished eating, check in on yourself once again. It takes time for your mind to recognize that your stomach is full. Aim to feel satisfied at the end of a meal rather than full to prevent overeating.
Savor each bite: Notice the color, aroma, texture and flavor of the foods on your plate. Eat slowly to enjoy the experience of different tastes. Many of us have a bad habit of eating too fast. If you notice your habit taking over when you eat, try holding your utensil in your non-dominant hand, and place it down in between bites.
Focus on nutrition: Your body functions best when you eat fresh, whole foods. Take the time to prepare your meals with wholesome ingredients!